If you want a perfectly posed photograph of everyone looking and smiling at the camera, that's ok.. there's a million and one people who will do that for you, and do a brilliant job. And a big virtual high five to them, because that is not easy. But I want to create photographs that make you feel something too.
Who do you know that smiles all the time? What about all those other marvellous facial expressions we have? What about all the other lovely gestures our bodies are capable of? The ones that illustrate so clearly how we feel about those we love? The ones that really show who our kids are. The way we snuggle our babies into our face when they are tired and upset.. big squeezy hugs from our older kids that make us think they are trying to strangle us. I'm pretty sure they are. Giant goofy grins that show how many teeth your kids are currently missing. Nose crinkles. Laughing til you snort (ok, maybe that's just me). Tears, and pouty faces. Your gentle hands wiping those tears away. Don't you want to see and remember all these things too?
And all those little details.. windswept hair, sandy skin, bruised knees, dusty little hands full of treasures...and oh my gosh freckles. I love freckles. Life, love and family isn't perfect. Not everyone looks like a supermodel. Sometimes we ugly cry. Sometimes our kids face plant it at the beach. When we let go of the idea that photographs of our family don't have to be perfect either, you can create something really beautiful. Real, honest and beautiful.